Handling Head Trauma

The area of your horse’s face from in front of his ears down to the nose is basically composed of a thin layer of skin covering bone. There is little muscle here, and virtually no fat. The cranial bones in this area are the frontal bone, nasal bone, and the […]

How To Know If Your Horse Has Problem Hooves

As an Equine Myofunctional Therapist dealing daily with equine musculo-skeletal problems in my clients horses and through Equethy workshops (who have now delivered hundreds of workshops all over Australia in the past six years), I have had the pleasure to meet many horse owners who turned to barefoot rehabilitation. The comment […]

Restricting Forage is Incredibly Stressful for Your Horse

If your horse has too much padding over his ribs, cutting back on his hay is only going to create another host of problems, according to respected equine nutritionist Dr. Juliet Getty, a contributing editor at Horse Journal: Here’s Dr. Getty with more: Choose a different method to help your horse lose […]

How to Speak Horse

Learn to better understand and interact with your horse by speaking his language. In the 1920s, author Hugh Lofting wrote a series of charming children’s books about Doctor Doolittle, whose pet parrot, Polynesia, taught him how to speak with animals in their own language. As a horse owner, you may […]

How to Safely Check Your Horse’s Mouth

Equine Dentist Spencer La Flure demonstrates how to safely check your horse’s teeth and mouth, which you should do two or three times a year for most horses. Do NOT put your hand into your horse’s mouth. Not only is the crushing power of the horse’s jaw like a crocodile’s, […]

Alfalfa And The Insulin Resistant Horse

January 25, 2016 Source: Getty Equine Nutrition News Release Alfalfa can be an excellent addition to most horses’ diets, even for those that are insulin resistant (IR). I often recommend feeding it because it boosts the overall protein quality of a grass-hay diet and, in general, enhances the horse’s muscle […]

How to Take Your Horse’s Vital Signs

It’s essential that every horse owner know his or her horse’s normal, healthy resting temperature, heart rate, respiration (breathing) rate, and other vital signs and have trained the horse to allow handling for assessment of vital signs. If your horse becomes ill or injured, quickly take his vital signs before […]

‘Horse shoes will be obsolete’ – says ex-farrier

Meet Marc Ferrador. He was a much-respected farrier who had serious doubts about nailing shoes to horses’ hooves and decided to do something about it. Colleagues thought he was crazy when he announced he was turning his back on his trade but amazingly he convinced ninety per cent of his […]